Dominant ostracod species in the laminated silts and clays from Unit 1b were Reticypris sp. and D. dietzi with minor numbers of Mytilocypris sp. and a few Diacypris spinosa. A large percentage of Reticypris sp. was also found as articulated carapaces in this unit.
Ostracod populations from the basal Unit 1a are described from only one sample, possibly in relation to the oxidised character of the sediment resulting in poor ostracod preservation in this unit. The sample is dominated by juvenile D. spinosa valves. A very small number of the highly saline tolerant species Diacypris whitei were
also found within this horizon but nowhere else in the embayment sediment. A range of juvenile D. spinosa occurs in abundance in the sediment from this unit, but no adults were identified (Fig. 5j).