All the best for you dear birna.. Our thoughts arThe multi - level marketing defined as well as mlm, network marketing or multi - level marketing is a method of distribution Of products and services, which is intended to allow anyone to become a distributor and to create a Network of distributors without massive investment in money.
The individual who is working with a company that distributes his products through a system of network marketing It is to be regarded as an independent contractor. As such, it is not normally subordinate to obligations of turnover nor from ceilings of income. The basic concept of mlm is that profits are directly proportional to the amount, the quality and the guy To work. Is comparable to a system of franchise but does not have high costs of implementation and management and offers a more Flexibility. A good company of network marketing offers a compensation plan more merit - based which also allows to who you associate for final To overcome in career and earn the person that it has involved or the people who have entered before Him. At the base of every company of mlm or network marketing there must be the following: strongholds
Market: Because the network develops normally with a large number of distributors, the product / service offered must be In a market of large numbers or booming. So a lot of the companies of mlm operate in the convenience goods.
Product: By removing the costs of mediation and linking the company mother with the final consumer that through his ' Spread the word ' helps the veicolazione products, many resources are being invested in the development of these, precisely for this Reason, tend to have quality high or still higher than those that are disseminated by the great distribution. To cooperate with us contact me in privatee with you! We look out for you.. And hope that will be soon.. Good luck