In any activity which has a learning curve; knowledge management can accelerate the learning; driving down costs, increasing efficiency or up-time, giving a safer operation, whatever is relevant to your business (click on the picture for more detail). Knowledge management can also eliminate the unlearning curve, so that knowledge can be accessed in ten years time, as fresh as it is today The majority of your business challenges will not be unique to your team. The chances are that someone, somewhere in your business, has already solved most of the problems you are facing. Why not access their knowledge via a Peer Assist? Bring it in at the planning stage (build a better plan) and at the operations phase (access the wider pool of experience). There is no longer any merit in solving things for yourself, the merit is in delivering your business objectives faster, cheaper, safer and cleaner. If there is knowledge out there which can help you, then get hold of it as soon as you can. As Lord Browne, Chief Executive Officer of BP once said, "Most activities or tasks are not onetime events. Whether it's drilling a well or conducting a transaction at a service station, we do the same things repeatedly. Our philosophy is fairly simple: Every time we do some thing again, we should do it better than the last time"