Charged with the opportunistic mandate to expose these much-neglected issues
and sensitize attention to the socio-cultural context in which sustainable tourism may
occur accordingly became an integral task of the multi-disciplinary module development
process. As expressed in Agenda 21 for Travel and Tourism, “the main aim is to establish
systems and procedures to incorporate sustainable development issues as part of the core
management function and to identify actions needed to bring sustainable tourism into
being” (WTTC, 2001, Strategy and Development, Agenda 21, para. 8). The purpose of
the training module presented in this paper is to encourage human resource managers to
incorporate sustainable development principles into the policies, procedures and activities
of their organizations.
Charged with the opportunistic mandate to expose these much-neglected issuesand sensitize attention to the socio-cultural context in which sustainable tourism mayoccur accordingly became an integral task of the multi-disciplinary module developmentprocess. As expressed in Agenda 21 for Travel and Tourism, “the main aim is to establishsystems and procedures to incorporate sustainable development issues as part of the coremanagement function and to identify actions needed to bring sustainable tourism intobeing” (WTTC, 2001, Strategy and Development, Agenda 21, para. 8). The purpose ofthe training module presented in this paper is to encourage human resource managers toincorporate sustainable development principles into the policies, procedures and activitiesof their organizations.
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