Section 8 - Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
The following Australian Standards will provide general advice regarding safety clothing and equipment: Respiratory equipment: AS/NZS 1715, Protective Gloves: AS 2161, Industrial Clothing: AS2919, Industrial Eye
Protection: AS1336 and AS/NZS 1337, Occupational Protective Footwear: AS/NZS2210. Exposure Limits TWA (mg/m3) STEL (mg/m3)
Exposure limits have not been established by NOHSC for this product.
No special equipment is usually needed when occasionally handling small quantities. The following instructions are for bulk handling or where regular exposure in an occupational setting occurs without proper containment systems. Ventilation: No special ventilation requirements are normally necessary for this product. However make sure that the work environment remains clean and that dusts are minimised.
Eye Protection: Eye protection is not normally necessary when this product is being used. However, if in doubt, wear suitable protective glasses or goggles.
Skin Protection: The information at hand indicates that this product is not harmful and that normally no special skin protection is necessary. However, we suggest that you routinely avoid contact with all chemical products and that you wear suitable gloves (preferably elbow-length) when skin contact is likely.
Protective Material Types: There is no specific recommendation for any particular protective material type. Respirator: If there is a significant chance that dusts are likely to build up in the area where this product is being used, we recommend that you use a suitable Dust Mask.
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties: