both spectra, which were typical mass fragment patterns of
GTXs. The ion at m/z 396 was considered to be the
protonated molecule [M þ H]þ of GTX2 and 3, and the ion
at m/z 412 was considered to be that of GTX1 and 4 as
described in previous studies (Onodera et al., 1996;
Quilliam, 1996; Lagos et al., 1999). The ions at m/z 316
and 332 were assignable for the structure eliminated SO3
moiety [M 2 SO3 þ H]þ from GTXs as shown in previous
study (Quilliam, 1996; Lagos et al., 1999). ESI-MS
chromatograms of the partially purified fraction of peaks 5
and 6 (in Fig. 1(b)) and the standard of C toxins (C1 and C2)
are also shown in Fig. 2(c) and (d). The major ion peak at m/z
474 was detected in the spectra of the crab and the standard
toxins. The peak was considered to be the deprotonated
molecule [M 2 H]2 of C1 and C2 as shown by Onodera
et al. (1996). The correspondent peak with STX (in Fig.
1(c)) was not analyzed by ESI-MS, since the sufficient
both spectra, which were typical mass fragment patterns ofGTXs. The ion at m/z 396 was considered to be theprotonated molecule [M þ H]þ of GTX2 and 3, and the ionat m/z 412 was considered to be that of GTX1 and 4 asdescribed in previous studies (Onodera et al., 1996;Quilliam, 1996; Lagos et al., 1999). The ions at m/z 316and 332 were assignable for the structure eliminated SO3moiety [M 2 SO3 þ H]þ from GTXs as shown in previousstudy (Quilliam, 1996; Lagos et al., 1999). ESI-MSchromatograms of the partially purified fraction of peaks 5and 6 (in Fig. 1(b)) and the standard of C toxins (C1 and C2)are also shown in Fig. 2(c) and (d). The major ion peak at m/z474 was detected in the spectra of the crab and the standardtoxins. The peak was considered to be the deprotonatedmolecule [M 2 H]2 of C1 and C2 as shown by Onoderaet al. (1996). The correspondent peak with STX (in Fig.1(c)) was not analyzed by ESI-MS, since the sufficient
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