Assessing depression among the elderly is challenging (38). Empirical evidence supports Brink and Yesavage’s contention that somatic items are not useful indicators of depression among the elderly (39; 40), and so the GDS focuses on the affective aspects of depression. It is easily and quickly administered by non-physicians and is comprehensible to older people (22). It has been tested in community and patient samples. Its reliability is good, and sensitivity and specificity have generally been high among cognitively intact elderly people. Indeed, as a screening test, it appears to perform as well as the Hamilton scale, although it is briefer and more easily administered. It has been suggested that the GDS may be easier for elderly respondents to complete (20). Another noted that depression may be overidentified among elderly people who are disengaging from their social contacts. Kathryn Adams identified a component of the GDS that appears to measure withdrawal without sadness, rather than actual depression (41).
CommentaryAssessing depression among the elderly is challenging (38). Empirical evidence supports Brink and Yesavage’s contention that somatic items are not useful indicators of depression among the elderly (39; 40), and so the GDS focuses on the affective aspects of depression. It is easily and quickly administered by non-physicians and is comprehensible to older people (22). It has been tested in community and patient samples. Its reliability is good, and sensitivity and specificity have generally been high among cognitively intact elderly people. Indeed, as a screening test, it appears to perform as well as the Hamilton scale, although it is briefer and more easily administered. It has been suggested that the GDS may be easier for elderly respondents to complete (20). Another noted that depression may be overidentified among elderly people who are disengaging from their social contacts. Kathryn Adams identified a component of the GDS that appears to measure withdrawal without sadness, rather than actual depression (41).
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