In order for consumed pro-vitamin A carotenoids and their metabolites
to be absorbed and delivered to peripheral tissues for storage or
utilization, the carotenoids must be released from the food matrix and
solubilized in oil droplets (Yonekura & Nagao, 2007; Fernández-Garcia
et al., 2012). During small intestinal digestion, a portion of the carotenoids
and other dietary lipophiles, along with digestion products of
co-consumed fat, partition into bile salt micelles. The mixed micelles
deliver carotenoids to absorptive epithelial cells that incorporate carotenoids
and their esterified retinoid metabolites into chylomicrons
for secretion into lymph. The efficiency with which consumed carotenoids
are transferred into mixed micelles is influenced by their
physical state and sub-cellular localization within the food matrix,
the extent to which cells walls are ruptured during processing of
the plant tissue, and other components in the meal (Lemmens
et al., 2014).
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of several
styles of home cooking on the retention and bioaccessibility of provitamin
A carotenoids in five genotypes of biofortified C. moschata
Duch. Bioaccessibility was determined by the partitioning of the provitamin
A carotenoids in mixed micelles during in vitro digestion and
confirmed by measuring their uptake by enterocyte-like Caco-2
human intestinal cells. In vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids has been
shown to be a reliable predictor of carotenoid bioavailability in human
subjects (Reboul et al., 2006).
In order for consumed pro-vitamin A carotenoids and their metabolitesto be absorbed and delivered to peripheral tissues for storage orutilization, the carotenoids must be released from the food matrix andsolubilized in oil droplets (Yonekura & Nagao, 2007; Fernández-Garciaet al., 2012). During small intestinal digestion, a portion of the carotenoidsand other dietary lipophiles, along with digestion products ofco-consumed fat, partition into bile salt micelles. The mixed micellesdeliver carotenoids to absorptive epithelial cells that incorporate carotenoidsand their esterified retinoid metabolites into chylomicronsfor secretion into lymph. The efficiency with which consumed carotenoidsare transferred into mixed micelles is influenced by theirphysical state and sub-cellular localization within the food matrix,the extent to which cells walls are ruptured during processing ofthe plant tissue, and other components in the meal (Lemmenset al., 2014).The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of severalstyles of home cooking on the retention and bioaccessibility of provitaminA carotenoids in five genotypes of biofortified C. moschataDuch. Bioaccessibility was determined by the partitioning of the provitaminA carotenoids in mixed micelles during in vitro digestion andconfirmed by measuring their uptake by enterocyte-like Caco-2human intestinal cells. In vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids has beenแสดงให้ ผู้ทายผลเชื่อถือได้ของชีวปริมาณออกฤทธิ์ carotenoid ในมนุษย์เรื่อง (Reboul และ al., 2006)
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