-1- Hardware: polarizing / lighting for epoxy bridging etc…
- Currently this is still being verify in our factory by our QA team. will provide an up date by next week.
-2- Software: wafer upload successful message (feedback provided previously).
- This SW bugs is solved in R13 release version
-3- Software: hang up in continuous production at wafer reference (log-file sent to Bobby, but requires more detailed FBR).
- Informed local FSE to increase the tracelog level to detect this error when it happened, till now no feedback on it.
-4- Software: teach concept - unsuccessful vision teach on auto reference (mirror die / second exclusion area).
- Under discussion on the teach concept, possible solution. Please comment.
• Separate illumination
• Additional exclusion area
• Learn as is
-5- Alternate pattern map with partial processed wafer ‐ pattern stepping through picked die area?
- It will only go to the die with the process bin and ignore if it is bad or null bin.