Good night Yuva.
Yes I would be happy if you came to Colorado next year. I'll even take some time off work
while you are here. I'll just have to figure out what time would be appropriate to take off
so I do not interfere with the real purpose. To be helpful with and for Meaw. I have not done
any research on what she is getting ready to go through, but I have heard enough from Meaw
so I am pretty sure this can work and everyone will need to do some things to help. Even me!
We still have time to sit back and figure things out and not get too worried about anything. But
we'll spend some time together and learn about each other a little more. It'll be nice.
Meaw and Craig are coming over for Christmas dinner this year. I am not going to bet too
crazy. I have already got a small turkey and will be getting a ham this week. My whole goal
is to keep it simple, keep it light and of course have all the appropriate bones afterwards to
be able to make popeye for later for Meaw! She has had chicken, next is turkey and ham!
Sundays in Thailand must be slow. The only news worthy item was how a British citizen won
Thailand Golf Championship. So I won't bore you with lots of information on that one.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think of you always.
Hugs & Kisses!