Origin and Development of NFPA 303
This first standard on the subject of marinas and boatyards was adopted by NFPA in 1940 on the recommendation of the Committee on Boat Basins and Municipal Marinas of the then NFPA Marine Section. The following year the scope of the recommendations was enlarged too include boat service and storage yards. Minor amendment were adopted in 1952 and 1957. A revised edition was produced in 1960 by Committee on Motor Graft and Marinas. In 1961, the sectional Committee on Marinas and Boatyards was established to deal exclusively with these matters. A complete revision of NFPA 303 was developed and adopted in 1963, amendment to which were adopted in 1966, 1975, and 1984. In 1986 a complete revision of NFPA 303 was adopted; it incorporated boat condominiums and multiple berthing facilities and provided updated electrical and fire protection requirements. The 1990 edition of NFPA 303 contained amendments to the previous edition, while the 1995 edition contained amendment to Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the 1990 edition.