Don’t take a breather and fight diligently.”
The feeling disappeared and Weed spat out the cold words.
So they continuously drove from one castle to the next for conquest.
In fear of the vampiric effect disappearance and having their adaptive and attacking powers plummets, they fought with minimal amount of rest.
The Vampires’ complaints were ceaseless.
“I only want to fight just once a night.”
“Give us a break.”
In order to avoid them getting tired, Weed pushed his forearm forward to sooth the Vampires and fill them.
He provided them with fresh blood to satiate their fountain like Stamina.
Weed went first, then the weak willed Pale, Irene, and others also joined in.
Now only four remaining castles!
There were golden horn Royal Unicorns, flowing argent mane on Silver Pegasus.
At the sight of their skin, Zephyr gulp with a little nervousness.
“Gulp! They’re monsters that have never been disclosed, Hyeongnim.”
“But they’re not huge in numbers. If we push from the sides, we got it.”
Weed replied with clarity and with his right hand.
A drop of it to signal the push of thousands of Vampires!
The Royal Unicorns and Silver Pegasus lasted in matters of minutes before kneeling and disappearing from sight.
That was how all the last remaining castles subjugation essentially went.
Hwaryeong, with admiration, said.
“I think Weed nim’s was born with excellent memory.”
“You’ve remember Todeum’s geography exactly. Even the order of up to 47 castles.”
The party too was amazed with the information.
Of course it wasn’t all in Weed’s memory.
“It’s ‘cause there’s a map.”
“A map?”
“I learned how to draw from Yurin so I made one myself.”
Hwaryeong eyes lit up. She was very curious at Weed’s painting.
“Could I see the map?”
“I don’t think it’s a problem.”
From Weed’s chest, a straightened out crumbled sheet of paper was shown.
An outline of Todeum’s entrance was drawn, and then castles were drawn a bit small up to the fifth castle.
After that, due to the size of the paper, castles were increasingly getting smaller.
Although from the entrance to the few castles were drawn, the rest including the roads were a mess.
Instead, they were replaced with explanations.
Long rise from entrance on the right of the heroes’ tower a beautifully large castle
Lots of apple trees castle.
Across the bridge north, a blossoming yellow flower castle.
10mins walk into the alley, gate to the blue castle.
The only person who can tell head from tail of this map was probably just Weed.
Hwaryeong trembled.
‘I can’t believe we followed this map to hunt.’
Anyway, the conquest of the last castle ended safely.
All the Vampires of Todeum has been liberated.
Since then, Weed, the Geomchis, and the party began setting their sights toward Todeum for the unfolding event of their service.
The kingdom of legend where Vampire lives!
Three glowing moons.
Weed’s made loot’s tower at a distance, old fashioned castles, and an unknown Heroes’ Tower.
Above all those, the Unicorns and Pegasus took flight throughout Todeum.
Also on the ground were those drinking and leisurely grazing about.
But then, from far away, dark clouds rapidly descended.
The dark clouds pretty soon enveloped Todeum from all over.
Fierce wind blew, heavy rain poured.
Kureureureureung. (wind)
Kwagwagwang! (bullet rain)
Every time thunder and lightning struck, only flashes of light were seen.
The bodies of the Unicorns and Pegasus who drank and grazed on the ground soon were covered with huge swarms of bats that clung on.
The Vampires also broke out of the castle through the windows in unison.
For vampires, the darkness had no effect in their vision.
They surrounded the herd of Unicorns and Pegasus that were covered with bats, and with soulless stares, aimed straight at the necks.
Vampires were weaker than the Shinsuis, but a multitude of vampire fangs entered their necks.
Sneakily within the disruptive bats, the divine creatures’ health and stamina were rapidly absorbed.
The Unicorn cries.
The Royal Unicorn spoke.
“As members of the virtuous forest clan, we cannot be force back by those of the night clans. Burn everything. Summon Kasya.”
Fire spirits were summoned.
The swarm of bats that covered the common Unicorns also protected the sneaky Vampires from the effect of the spirits.
“Summon Undine!”
Turned the rain water into spears and flew around fighting the swarm of bats.
Silver Pegasus used their magic.
“Dancing Light.”
“Fire Arrow!”
In the darkness, light in flight and fire arrows made of magic penetrates the bats and Vampires.
The battle between the Vampire and the Shinsui raged throughout Todeum.
Within the raining of cats and dogs, magic spells and summoned spirits, along with bats, all were clustered.
The Vampires that rushed in early on and had a definite clutch.
“The blood of Unicorn is really sweet.”
The vampire Queen giggled flirtingly.
Some seemed to pay heed and chuckled at every sluggish movement the Unicorns made.
The Queens were women.
The Unicorns like things that are beautiful, and falling asleep on the lap of virgins would be the ideal happiness for them.
‘It’s too fishy if I go over to them. Yihing!’
They stood firm and weren’t tempted, but their summoned spirits were hesitant and did not attack.
The situation in the sky for the valiant Pegasus cutting through the sky also wasn’t good.
Steeds of the sky!
Largely filled with muscles, neurotic and couldn’t have been more violent.
In addition, their rushing speed was something hard to follow.
Because of that, the Pegasus shouldn’t have been allowed to soar the sky.
Though now, their body swiveled due to the bats clinging on like leeches.
The Pegasus landed and with their limbs, crazily stomped the ground.
Nape, sides, hip, forelimbs, the bats covered all with their teeth inserted.
With sharp pain, the paralysis had taken place.
Then the Vampires drove in to ensure the kill.
The Unicorns and Pegasus fell to the ground in rhythm with the beating of the thunder and lightning.
Their screams of death were buried within the pounding of the heavy rain.
But further away, in the higher place, the watching divine beasts flew in to see the crisis of their brethren.
“You still have not gone away, you of the night clan still have not gone to your slumber. I shall send you to an eternal rest.”
The Unicorns, while in the air, cast their magic.
Regardless of their own kind, they brandished their magic toward all the bats and the Vampires.
The Pegasus were scary sprinters.
During the Todeum castle hunts, the thing that victimized the practitioners the most was their full speed charge!
Several dozens Pegasus rushed through the sky while hitting the swarm of bats and Vampires.
In the areas swept through by the dashing Pegasus, a few surviving Vampires staggered with injuries.
“Whew, barely survive. Blood, I need blood.”
“Shall we turn into bats and give chase?”
“Even with our top speed we can’t match up to them.”
A glance of the Vampires and they saw the beasts were more than 300 meters away in the distance.
In the brief moment of a single breath, the herd of Pegasus was already circling the sky.
Their gestures in the sky, when switching from one direction to the next, differed from that of a flock of birds.
The Pegasus spun in an orbit similar to that of a wheel in the sky above.
Along with a straighten head squared off, their feet once again accelerated terribly in midair.
The Vampires who turned into bats, with the thought of being a safe distance far away, but in a moment, they were nose to nose due to the beasts lightning like dash!
The area where the Pegasus had swept by once again, the Vampire bats disappeared without even trace of their cloak remained.
The movements the Pegasus shown during the battle against the practitioners seemed to be something like child’s play; the piercing speed they demonstrate in this battle field was tremendous.
At those times, it was due to the marrow space that they couldn’t fully utilize their speed.
Their summons and magic were also essential blocked and forced into close combat.
The Unicorns and Pegasus’ attacking powers were pretty much sealed.
However, in the vast open space, they swept through the Vampires using charge as if they were nothing.
“No vampire could take this!”
“Should we just be sacrificial and hung onto their nape with our fangs?”
Clamoring of the Vampires who were struck.
They could not come up with an adequate solution to deal with the divine beasts.
Their movements were too fast; a turn of one’s head was enough for them to be breathing down his neck.
Along with the use of spirit summons and magic, the once shrouded darkness the Vampires was given was no longer explicitly important during the fight.
Whether it was Weed, the practitioners, or the party, no remorse were given from these high level Shinsuis.
Though the Vampires did deal hazardous amount of damage, it was nothing comparable to their intensity.
The Vampires that took a big hit to their health and mana, plummets to the ground.
Some wounded lay motionless, while others reached for close by Shinsuis that were molested by swarms of bats.
The Vampires slammed their fangs into the beasts and drank their blood.