This short description of vocational education and training (VET) in the Netherlands is part of a
series featuring vocational training in different countries. It has been prepared to coincide with
the EU Council presidency of the Netherlands. It is also an element in Cedefop’s continuing
work on VET systems in EU member states, which is changing from being mainly based on hard
copy descriptions of each national system (1
) to an electronic-based system.
The new Cedefop database, eKnowVet, offers on-line information on initial and continuing
vocational training in partner countries. The standard entry format allows country-specific and
multi-country searches covering 11 thematic areas in overview (thematic overviews) and in
detail. The database is regularly updated by Cedefop’s European network of reference and
expertise (ReferNet).
This document has been prepared by CINOP. In doing so they have used the longer description
of the VET system published by Cedefop in English in 2002 (2
), the short description published
in 2003 (3
) and the thematic overview for eKnowVet, all of which they also prepared. The
resulting text was then the subject of a short consultation process between CINOP and the social
partners, the Dutch Council for Vocational Education and Training (BVE Raad), the association
of expertise centres for vocational education, training and the labour market and the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science. Cedefop staff members have also made comments and
The need for brevity means it is not possible to include all elements of the Netherlands VET
system. We therefore decided to focus on policy and development issues rather than on more
descriptive information about how the system functions. Further details in regard to the latter can
be found in eKnowVet (4
). More detailed information on the education system can be found in
Eurybase, the website of Eurydice (5
This short description of vocational education and training (VET) in the Netherlands is part of a
series featuring vocational training in different countries. It has been prepared to coincide with
the EU Council presidency of the Netherlands. It is also an element in Cedefop’s continuing
work on VET systems in EU member states, which is changing from being mainly based on hard
copy descriptions of each national system (1
) to an electronic-based system.
The new Cedefop database, eKnowVet, offers on-line information on initial and continuing
vocational training in partner countries. The standard entry format allows country-specific and
multi-country searches covering 11 thematic areas in overview (thematic overviews) and in
detail. The database is regularly updated by Cedefop’s European network of reference and
expertise (ReferNet).
This document has been prepared by CINOP. In doing so they have used the longer description
of the VET system published by Cedefop in English in 2002 (2
), the short description published
in 2003 (3
) and the thematic overview for eKnowVet, all of which they also prepared. The
resulting text was then the subject of a short consultation process between CINOP and the social
partners, the Dutch Council for Vocational Education and Training (BVE Raad), the association
of expertise centres for vocational education, training and the labour market and the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science. Cedefop staff members have also made comments and
The need for brevity means it is not possible to include all elements of the Netherlands VET
system. We therefore decided to focus on policy and development issues rather than on more
descriptive information about how the system functions. Further details in regard to the latter can
be found in eKnowVet (4
). More detailed information on the education system can be found in
Eurybase, the website of Eurydice (5
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