A substantial amount of training and local capacitybuilding
is required to prepare people to undertake the
activities and to foster a participatory environment.
Cambodian Red Cross Society staff members have taken
part in regional VCA training, as well as training to
build specific skills such as communication, facilitation
and conflict resolution. Trainers from the National
Society’s headquarters have conducted training of
trainers in disaster preparedness, community organizing
and field-based VCA for Cambodian Red Cross Society
development officers, field assistants and Red Cross
leaders. They in turn have conducted training for all
Red Cross volunteers and members of commune disaster
management committees covered under the programme.
Members of the commune committees also enhanced
their knowledge and understanding of disaster risk
reduction through orientation meetings and structured
meetings to discuss the integration of village disaster
reduction plans into commune development plans.
A notable improvement in the conduct of training can
be seen in the adoption of a “learning by doing”
approach, whereby Red Cross leaders and volunteers are
provided with support and coaching while conducting a
VCA and can thus actively improve their skills.