While governments around the world were unsuccessfully trying to make up their minds about the best approach, sitting around and debating and discussing the best ways to combat Ebola …Google stepped up to the plate in November and its CEO announced it would pledge $2 for every dollar donated through its website. They set up a specific URL onetoday.google.com/fightebola to explain this original social action and invite people worldwide to contribute to this worthwhile, timely cause. When you type “Google ebola campaign” into a search engine, you’ll get over 22 million results with posts, news, articles and mentions of this initiative which embarrassed governments from all over the world who seemed to be taking forever and even then still couldn’t come to a decision about how to best face this challenge. CSR campaigns are always great, but if they are launched at the perfect moment and in the best circumstances — as was this case for Google —, they will become a huge boost for your brand.