The adsorption of Bk22, Bu168 and Rd23 by AC and WH was found to be pH independent over the same range of 5 to 9. Adsorption isothems were found to conform to the Freundlich isothems for the entire range of dye concentrations studies, except for the adsorption of Rd23 by WH. WH has a much higher adsorption capacity than AC. At high initial dye concentrations, the order of dyes for adsorption capacity by AC and WH is Bu168> Rd23> Bk22. Both WH and AC bind to dye moleculesmainly by physical forces. The adsorptionof all dyes by AC and WH is an endothermic reaction. WH has been proven to be an effective and economical adsorbent for the adsorption of direct dye. Hence, WH, which is readily available in great abundance, could be a useful adsorbent in the treatment of wastewater for dye-removal from low-volume effluents generated by the village hand-mand textile weaving industries