2.3. Scope of the Study
This study is focus on finding out if the SQRW strategy could improve the students’ achievement on reading comprehension, especially on the four sub reading skills, or not. The genre of the reading text will use in this study is in the form of narrative and is limited to the class A of the second year students of SMP Negeri 2 Tegallalang in academic year 2009/2010
2.4. Hypothesis
The hypothesis of the study is that SQRW strategy could improve the achievement of second year students in class A of SMP Negeri 2 Tegallalang in comprehending reading text, especially in finding out the main idea, specific information, word meaning and textual referent.
2.5. Definition of Key Term.
2.5.1. Achievement
Achievement is defined as the act of achieving or something achieved especially by great effort or persistence quoted by Merriam-Webster, in Juniari (2003:6). Achievement in this study is something that is achieve at the end of a lesson using a test. In other words, it refers to the scores the students gain in the test of reading comprehension.
2.5.2. Reading Comprehension
Gillet and Temple in Juniari (2003:8) stated that reading comprehension is a search for meaning, actively using our word knowledge and the text to understand new things we read. We need knowledge of the world to understand new things, need to be familiar with various text structure encountered and need to be active in seeking meaning to rise up from the passage.
2.5.3. Narrative reading text
According to Tonjes, et al. (1990), as citied in http://cps.uswp.edu/courses/ EDUC310/Texstruct/narrativetext narrative text is the text used to entertain, to tell a story, or to provide as aesthetic literary experience. They also said that narrative text is based on life experience and is person-oriented using dialogue and familiar language.
2.5.4. SQRW Strategy
SQRW is a four-step strategy for reading and taking notes from chapters in a textbook. Each letter stands for one step in the strategy. Using SQRW will help you to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. The written record will be valuable when you have to participate in a class discussion and again when you study for a test. It is an effective reading process, related to some techniques that usually help the readers not only to enjoy their reading but also to read and remember the main point.