o general information about how the entity identified its operating segments and the types of products and services from which each operating segment derives its revenues [IFRS 8.22]
o judgements made by management in applying the aggregation criteria to allow two or more operating segments to be aggregated [IFRS 8.22(aa)]#
o information about the profit or loss for each reportable segment, including certain specified revenues* and expenses* such as revenue from external customers and from transactions with other segments, interest revenue and expense, depreciation and amortisation, income tax expense or income and material non-cash items [IFRS 8.21(b) and 23]
o a measure of total assets* and total liabilities* for each reportable segment, and the amount of investments in associates and joint ventures and the amounts of additions to certain non-current assets ('capital expenditure') [IFRS 8.23-24]
o an explanation of the measurements of segment profit or loss, segment assets and segment liabilities, including certain minimum disclosures, e.g. how transactions between segments are measured, the nature of measurement differences between segment information and other information included in the financial statements, and asymmetrical allocations to reportable segments [IFRS 8.27]
o reconciliations of the totals of segment revenues, reported segment profit or loss, segment assets*, segment liabilities* and other material items to corresponding items in the entity's financial statements [IFRS 8.21(b) and 28]
o some entity-wide disclosures that are required even when an entity has only one reportable segment, including information about each product and service or groups of products and services [IFRS 8.32]
o analyses of revenues and certain non-current assets by geographical area – with an expanded requirement to disclose revenues/assets by individual foreign country (if material), irrespective of the identification of operating segments [IFRS 8.33]
o information about transactions with major customers [IFRS 8.34]