I think its a mesagge, apart of be something in reverse its the way you can hold your relation and forgive all or just let her go. You can try it again! Thats the 4th time i back with my babe and everytime its better. I dont know how longer i can staid with her, but i dont wana have another huge. I dont wana kiss another girl. I wana staid all the time loocking those beauty green eyes
Amazing, only at the end I realised that this was a reversed love story!
It's funny how few people seem to get it even though the concept is pretty simple.
The beginning of a relationship is just way more beautiful than its ending.
A love story in reverse
could this be the end?
they weren't sure
he couldn't bear to be alone again.
and she just felt so hurt
when he watched her closely
it felt hard to believe, that he had ever loved her