These materials were collected around
Samaru, Zaria in July 2000 and 2001 and dried in the
oven at 60 °C overnight. They were grinded in an
electric hammer mill into powders and packed in
different polythene bags until ready for use. Extract
mixtures of Neem and Eucalyptus with other plant
leaves listed above were prepared by weighing 500 g
each of the leaf powders. Each of the powder
combinations (Table 1) were soaked in 3.5 l hot water
(70 °C) in plastic buckets overnight and filtered the
following day with 1.0 l warm water using a muslin
cloth. To each of the extracts mixtures was added 250
ml of 20 % solutions of starch and soap to improve on
their spread and adherence to the plants bringing the
extracts mixtures rate to 10 % w/v. The extracts
mixtures were each labeled and sprayed the same day.
The plot size measuring 6.0 x 5.0 m had three main and
two discard ridges (one on either side of the main
ridges). Each plot was separated by a 1.5 m wide border
margin to check spray drift. The field layout consisting
of 13 treatments was Randomized Complete Block
Design (RCBD) with three replicates per treatment.
Three seeds of SAMPEA 7 cowpea variety