Heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer, nowadays, are very high and these costs a can bereduced by the insulation of buildings. This study is related to the development of bio-based compositesand the determination of their thermal, mechanical and acoustical insulation properties. The compos-ites were prepared using corn stalk particles as the reinforcement components. An experimental designwas established to study the effect of the stalk particle size and the epoxy/corn stalk particle ratio onthe thermal and mechanical properties of the composites prepared. Their mechanical properties andthermal performance characteristics are compared with the commercially available bio-based insulationmaterials.This study shows that waste corn-on-the-cob can be used for the reinforcement of epoxy resin toprepare insulation materials that can be used commercially. Natural products of high insulating valuecan be obtained that can provide alternative insulation materials and reduce the import of insulationmaterials and satisfy the criteria of the Turkish Standard TS 805 EN 601. The results of this study cansolve two industrial problems. One of them is providing a new useful construction material and the otheris utilizing agricultural wastes to reduce their harm to the environment.