Nevertheless, all those from Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer through the many authors in the 1960s and 1970s who, anticipating or following Merleau-Ponty, anointed the ‘early’,pre-Stalinist’ Lukacs founding father of a ‘Western Marxism’, anointed ostensibly opposed to ‘Eastern’ Bolshevik Marxism, clearly mamaged somehow to overlook the thoroughgoing philosophical Leninism of History and Class Consciousness. The main reason for this myopia was an impatient desire, like Lukacs’s, to explain what was taken to be the failure of the proletariat to embrace revolutionary socialism. The blend in History and Class Consciousness of theoretically sophisticated concern with questions of subjectivity and philosophy, the relentless critique of bourgeois thought and society, and the apparent concern with explaining how workers theoretically could become agents of their own emancipation made it easy for generations of Marxist intellectuals, in the wake of Stalinisation, to overlook the dangerous consequences of Lukaca’s philosophical Leninism