get some foil again move.
I found this kid trespassing around the maple Oaks.
I thought he was just a homeless junkie but here's the thing.
he claims that kid Thomas Pinkerton that went missing 12 years ago.
ridiculous right hmm so maybe you can use one of your wacky science things to.
figure this one out for us huh.
yes yes I know just the thing i can simply use this reverse aging.
application to age this man backwards.
Thomas Pinkerton wasn't yeah oh there we are now by simply scrolling down.
is this the missing kid it.
it is Wow get him cleaned up.
astounding technology ages anyone backwards yes our state-of-the-art hey.
put the chief into it all right.
that's incredible do you look at it it's started now I know I know.
okay your turn let me put you in don't put me and come on it's only fair.
no seriously don't.