Lubrication of FCU / AHU Bearings
· Dust may contain pathogens – dust masks and overalls are to be worn.
· Dust may irritate eyes, glasses/goggles to be worn.
· Operators are to shower on completion of works.
· Assistance should be sought to hold ladders if required (See SSC007 - Working on Ladders)
· Extreme care to be exercised whilst moving around access platforms.
· Beware of nip injuries associated with working on pulleys.
1. Isolate and tag power supply to FCU / AHU.
2. Remove access hatch.
3. Connect grease gun to nipple.
4. Pump a couple of times until traces of grease are present on seal lip, DO NOT OVER CHARGE.
5. Check belt tension; tighten if necessary (See ENG017 - Fan Coil Unit Belt Maintenance).
6. Remove grease gun and ensure nothing is left in fan coil unit plenum.
7. Replace access hatch.
8. De-isolate and re-start FCU AHU.