PHYTOCHEMICALS ARE MUCH, MUCH MORE THAN ANTIoxIDANIS! Before describing the ways in which phytochemicals can be beneficial in the prevention of cancer an important point must made. These compounds are much more than"simple" antioxidants. It is impossible nowadays to talk about the beneficial properties of any food without someone mentioning the"antioxidant potential" of that food or its high antioxidant content. In fact, the term is used so often, and with such little meaning, by both the science press and the popular media, that one might think the only function of foods is to
provide a source of antioxidants(vitamins, too, but since most vitamins also have antioxidant properties...). One might be forgiven for thinking that the antioxidant label is what makes a
particular food good or bad for health. To be sure, many phytochemicals, notably polyphenols, have a chemical structure that is ideal for absorbing free radicals; such substances