Natural attractions like sandy beaches and mountain cannot change very much, but nevertheless there have been developments, in particular a concem to preserve the environment and to make any buildings fit into the s natural context perhaps the greatest changes have been in man-made attractions like museums and historic sites.which have become more interesting and entertaining places to visit while still maintaining their role of teaching vistors about the past in many of them. the aim is not just to display the past, but to take visitors into the past in an interactive way. Some have been converted into living museums where actors in costumes meet the public and play the roles of characters from the past. In ar others history is made vivid and exciting through the w use of realistic waxworks animatronic models, sounds and even smells to conjure up a sense of the past. Traditional festivals by definition do not change very much, but there has been a trend to increase the number of special events and festivals as cities realise that holding a music festival or an art event is a good way of attracting tourists