4. Analyze what worked well and what should have been better and the results to work for more effective meetings.
For supervisors, the most frequent application of group communication is what's called the "safety talk" "toolbox meeting" "tailgate meeting," or "safety meeting." Done properly, this is very efficient and effective for:
sharing information with many people quickly .
stimulating group ideas and interaction teaching simple concepts and procedures. giving an inspirationa! boost. helping to build a cooperative communication climate. To get the most out of these meetings you should do your best to give good safety talks on critical and relevant topics Safety Talk Topics It is important that topics for safety talks be carefully selected, well in advance of the meeting Careful selection ensures thatthis important time is given to critical topies rather than the spur-of-the- moment ideas. Each topic selected should directly relate to the people involved their exposures, their problems, their concerns and their needs. Selection in advance also allows more time for preparation. talk topics are selected one to three months in advance, a wealth of illustrative material and presentation ideas w unfold in the interval. The Show and Tell Talk Tips in Figure 9-6 show how everyday objects can be used as attention getters for short, the point, safety talks on critical topics.