Position statement
1. The state of the world’s natural environment is one of unprecedented fragility, escalating threats
and human impacts, and massive and in many cases irreversible natural environment degradation
and habitat and species loss.
2. Australian psychologists, along with other members of the scientific and professional community,
are gravely concerned about :
a. the current state of the natural environment in Australia, and globally;
b. continuing and escalating environmental threats and impacts;
c. the overall adequacy and effectiveness of current initiatives to address environmental problems
at regional, national, and international levels.
3. Convergent and interlinked threats to environmental well being and integrity include unsustainable
lifestyles and consumption patterns in ‘developed’ nations, exponentially increasing and profligate
non-renewable energy use, industrial pollution, human population pressures, habitat destruction
and biodiversity loss, decreasing agricultural productivity, overharvesting in natural environments,
conflict and war, and other cumulative and convergent human contributions to climate change. The
impacts and long term consequences of these environmental impacts are far reaching, ultimately
catastrophic, and wholly unsustainable.
4. It is clear that a central set of interlinked causes with respect to these adverse human impacts
on the natural environment and its ecosystems relate to human factors, including individual and
social motivations, cognitions, decision-making, behaviours and lifestyles, and organisational,
institutional, political, and economic contexts, processes and policies.
Position statement1. The state of the world’s natural environment is one of unprecedented fragility, escalating threatsand human impacts, and massive and in many cases irreversible natural environment degradationand habitat and species loss.2. Australian psychologists, along with other members of the scientific and professional community,are gravely concerned about :a. the current state of the natural environment in Australia, and globally;b. continuing and escalating environmental threats and impacts;c. the overall adequacy and effectiveness of current initiatives to address environmental problemsat regional, national, and international levels.3. Convergent and interlinked threats to environmental well being and integrity include unsustainablelifestyles and consumption patterns in ‘developed’ nations, exponentially increasing and profligatenon-renewable energy use, industrial pollution, human population pressures, habitat destructionand biodiversity loss, decreasing agricultural productivity, overharvesting in natural environments,conflict and war, and other cumulative and convergent human contributions to climate change. Theimpacts and long term consequences of these environmental impacts are far reaching, ultimatelycatastrophic, and wholly unsustainable.4. It is clear that a central set of interlinked causes with respect to these adverse human impactson the natural environment and its ecosystems relate to human factors, including individual andsocial motivations, cognitions, decision-making, behaviours and lifestyles, and organisational,institutional, political, and economic contexts, processes and policies.
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