The fermented soy milk
beverage with added apple juice was produced by using Lactobacillus acidophilus.
The numbers of L. acidophilus, rheological properties, acidity and pH values were determined both after
the production and during the storage period of 21 days at 4 C. In addition, sensory analyses of the
beverages were done. The flow behavior of beverage was assessed by using three different rheological
models, namely: Power Law, Herschel Bulkley and Vocadlo models. Vocadlo model was selected as the
best model fitting the experimental data. The beverage was found to be a pseudoplastic fluid having the
shear thinning nature. The results showed that L. acidophilus had good growth and viability in the
beverage with or without apple juice. L. acidophilus counts were in the range of 8.73e9.11 log cfu/g after
storage at 4 C for 21 days, thus they met required number of viable bacteria for probiotic functional food.
Results revealed that this beverage could be a good vehicle to deliver probiotic microorganisms to
consumers and carry a potential to become a commercial product. It is thought that the results of this
study could provide valuable information for the design of pumping systems for the fermented soy milk
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