การทดลองนี้ได้ดำเนินการตรวจสอบผลของ dietarybacteriophage(BP) บน growth performance and cecal bacterial populations in broiler chickens raised in different housing systems.A total of 1170 1-d-old broiler chickens were housed in either battery cages (120birds) orconventional floorpens(1050birds).With in eachhousing system, birds were randomly allotted to1of3 dietary treatments with 5 replicates.Dietary treatments Included basal diets (negativecontrol;NC), basal diets with 0.025g/kg avilamycin (positivecontrol;PC),and basal dietswith0.5g/kg BPmixture(BP5).The mixture of the individual BP targeting at Salmonella gallinarum, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella derby, Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium perfringens was used in this experiment.Diets were fed to birds for d 35.The effects of housing systems,dietary treatments,and their in teractions were analyzed.No interactions for all measurements were observed,andthus,the main effects were presented.During overall experiment,birds raised in battery cages had greater (P<0.01) BW gain (BWG),feed intake, and less(P<0.01) feed conversion ratio (FCR) thanthose raised in floorpens. Greater BWG was observed (P<0.05) for PC treatment than for NC treatment,butthose for BP5 treatment had intermediate values between other treatment groups.The FCR was less (Po0.05) for PC and BP5 treatment groups than for NC treatment,butthere was no difference between PC treatment and BP5 treatment.For cecal bacterial populations,birds raised in battery cages had less (P<0.05) DNA copynumbersfor C. perfringens, butgreater (P<0.05) DNA copynumbers for Escherichia coli than those raised in floorpens.The BP5 treatment hadless (Po0.05) DNA copynumbers for C. perfringens compared with NC treatment. Inconclusion,dietary BP improves growth performance of broiler chickensand decreases targeted pathogenic bacteria populations,especially for C. perfringens in the gastrointestinal tract. This positive effect is likely in dependent of housing systems. & 2014ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.
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