In this process, the quality was not mentioned by respondents, perhaps because this is a secondary aspect
to the situation established. As Balcik and Beamon (2008 ) and Kovács and Spens (2007 ) Relief
organizations are creating long-term contracts with suppliers so that the service is better and faster , but in
the case of the government, this is impossible , since bureaucratic issues that the government faces .
Purchases for consumption as food and beverages, the government has mapped all the supermarkets in
town, selecting those closest to their respective shelters, always buying the essentials. This is an important
factor because one you must meet the needs of shelter, while the disadvantaged local community, because
as the secretary of social welfare “you cannot let them (supermarket) with nothing because the community
will also need them “. Blecken (2010), in the same sense, attentive to the choice of suppliers that should be
taken so that they can ensure the products needed for immediate care.
In the category of donors / donations (FDDO) research presents evidence that donations can come from
donors scattered nationwide. However, its amount depends on the commotion of people / companies, which