It always seemed like a dream to work on the U.S.S Enterprise under the command of Captain Kirk, that was until you got the position and left on a five year mission to explore the galaxy. Always a shy and timid girl you were an easy target for bullies, you would think adults wouldn’t be so rude and impolite but a number of your co-workers onboard were like 10 year olds. Immature and rude, always shoving you around and bullying you.
“Prisoner to cell one…” A group of officers surrounded a tall man with black hair as they escorted him to a cell. The man’s name was Khan, currently the most feared man in the galaxy, super smart and very powerful. You worked on the culinary team and your duty was to feed the prisoners so you would have the chance to meet this mysterious man soon enough.
“(Y/N), take this to the prisoner in cell one.” Your head officer said in a disgusted tone, she was always such a snobby bitch, talking behind your back and sucking her teeth whenever you entered the room. You were generally hated among your co-workers and found something oddly nice about getting to visit the prisoners.
“Yes ma'am.” Picking up the tray right away and heading to the cells to deliver the food for the evening. Just a short walk later you had arrived to Khan’s cell and entered the glass enclosure and sat the food on a bench by the door. “Hello.” You said in your usual soft tone, Khan just stared at you through narrowed eyes. “Right then…um…your food for the evening sir. I’ll return to pick the tray up soon.” Turning to leave quickly you hung your head and retreated quickly.
Returning in an hour to pick up the tray from his cell you were hit on the shoulder intentionally by a passing co-worker and knocked you to the side, Khan saw the display and he looked like he could kill any moment. You wiped your eyes quickly to hide your tears but Khan could see as you stepped into the cell.