On the other hand, in our view, approaching the quality of bank loans, only on this basis, even if provides a
significant image, it is not fully relevant, given the complex of causes that generate not making the due payments,
corresponding to each credit. Thus, it is to be admitted that the qualitative level of bank loans is arising, primarily,
from lending activity’s quality, at all stages of its deployment, beginning with the promoted credit policies, making
of the analysis tasks and the decisions taken by banks on the approval or rejection of the customers’ applications etc.
But, simultaneously, it depends largely and directly on the quality of financial-economic activity of the beneficiary
of bank loans, respectively on the one of the object of each loan, which must provide, in principle, obtaining of
income or financial results covering the repayment of loan and interest payments became due.
At the same time, it is evident that a higher quality level of bank loans implies sustained concerns for achieving
the objectives pursued through each credit granting, both for the debtor customers and for the creditor banks, the
interests of the contracting parties being, in principle, convergent.