Another in vitro test was conducted to determine the
effect of organic amendment on the growth of R. solani
following the poison food technique [19]. Hundred
grams of each organic amendments viz. mustard oilcake
(Brassica napus), coconut oil cake (Cocos nucifera), til
oilcake (Sesame indicum), and soybean oilcake (Glycine
max) were added in 1000 mL of water and preserved
in earthen pots for 2 weeks. A requisite quantity of
individual oilcake extracts was added to 100-mL conicalflasks with PDA medium to have concentrations of 1,
2 and 3% (v/v). After thorough mixing of oilcake extracts,
the medium was autoclaved and approximately 15 mL
of melted PDA with extracts were poured into each
Petri dish. After solidification, the plates were inoculated
by placing 5-mm discs of 3-day-old PDA cultures of
R. solani. Inhibition of radial growth was computed
on colony diameter on control plate using the same