Central Territory!
This is Qing Shui steps into Central Territory the third day, he has not gone to disturb Qianyu Family, has not gone to Nian Family, Di Family and Duanmu Family have not gone.
Present Qing Shui is more like relaxes and ensure every day after the practice of Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, daytime the time strolls in Central Territory, in the counter- forehand is not short of money.
Previous time came also to experience the Central Territory tip of the iceberg, but now Qing Shui passes through many cities, each city treated for day, a straight line went forward to east.
Across territory time regarding Qing Shui, requires the time not to be many, majority of time Qing Shui was enjoying the beauties of nature to pass generally.
Central Territory is the Kyushu Continent central zone, its lively is not supposable, everywhere heavy traffic, puts on unceasing traversing that tight-fitting Martial Warrior installs to team up in groups.
For these days Qing Shui feeling life, since a little strength, little felt the life, as if has been struggling striving for success, but this these days made his innermost feelings specially tranquil, the feeling enrichment were many.
Although Qing Shui of previous generation family background common peasant boys, but that family condition also calculates, in addition are most also makes some farm work, pours also experiences the life, afterward went to college, has not felt the life truly.
This in Kyushu Continent, rushes about has not stopped actually, however the true experience life does not have probably, his life as if continuously like running, had not stopped, although some attack but are strong.
Saves others a life victory to make the seven-story pagoda!
Makes the good, can do good deeds!
All these Qing Shui do not believe but also believes that this is a causal relation, or believes the issue, has the belief is actually not the misdemeanor, the slayer, kills it permanently, will make the good also to obtain the reward for good works.
The people are selfish, generally is not willing to moisten troublesome, the human nature this friendly is the human nature was or wicked, actually does not divide clearly.
For example, several young hoodlums are beating an old woman and a young child, the person who at this time saw even if will be an unprincipled person will have the sympathy, the indignant that several people did not have the human nature, or saw that the old and immature person was going begging, wore the frail unpadded garment to go begging in the cold winter, either saw a disabled person to see that all these almost all people will have the sympathy immediately, therefore was the human nature was friendly.
But sometimes under the function of selfish psychology, many people will have evil side, for example the humane true colors, the human nature coveted
This world must have the unprincipled person, otherwise did not have the good person, the world was splendid, its splendor lay in infinite universe every possible strange thing, since had the reason that had it to have.
Qing Shui has made a good, has made the good is happy, this should also be able experiences one of the life, he wants to cultivate consolidated is, he wants to have a look to be promoted by his cultivation technique in the experience life, for example Overwhelming Righteous Qi, Motionless as a Mountain, this formidable air/Qi field whether to obtain from the life.
The city of Adventurer!
Day beastly city!
This is one is called the city of city of Adventurer, the day beastly city, Qing Shui to the day beastly city, Kyushu Continent has some unusual organizations half a month later.
They in the sect and aristocratic family, some are not some aristocratic families and sects are certainly operating, after all the world of this world or sect and aristocratic family.
These organizations have the business pledge and Adventurer guild, auction room to exist, the strength cannot be passed over, for example the business pledge, they are several doing business family anything's unions, what although in disguised form is the family operates, but is not the aristocratic family, but is many families unites.