Experimental measurements of thermal-moisture microclimate
Three basic physical quantities of thermo-hygic microclimate were measured - Rh relative humidity [%], the dry
air temperature ta [° C] and air velocity va [m.s-1] with measuring device Testo 400. Measurements took place in
2 measuring locations M1 and M2 during 6 hours. Measured values of thermo-hygric microclimate were processed
in MS Excel. Basic statistical functions such as: min (the lowest value of the set of values), max (maximum value
of the set of value|, average (arithmetic mean arguments), stdev (standard deviation), median (middle value of a
group of numbers), var (variance values), mode (most frequently occurring value in a group of numbers) were used.
Measured values of dry air temperature, air velocity and relative humidity at both measuring points and at all
three levels were statistically processed in MS Excel program. Graphical processing of data obtained by measuring
of Testo 400 is shown on the Figure 4 and 5. On the horizontal axis measuring time is shown while on vertical axis
are values of dry air temperature, air flow velocity and the relative humidity.