HTTP is connectionless: The HTTP client, i.e., a browser initiates an HTTP request and
after a request is made, the client disconnects from the server and waits for a response.
The server processes the request and re-establishes the connection with the client to
send a response back.
• HTTP is media independent: It means, any type of data can be sent by HTTP as long as
both the client and the server know how to handle the data content. It is required for the
client as well as the server to specify the content type using appropriate MIME-type.
• HTTP is stateless: As mentioned above, HTTP is connectionless and it is a direct result of
HTTP being a stateless protocol. The server and client are aware of each other only
during a current request. Afterwards, both of them forget about each other. Due to this
nature of the protocol, neither the client nor the browser can retain information between
different requests across the web pages.
HTTP Basic Arch