Liquefied petroleum gas or LPG is a main fuel for Thai households. Years ago, Thai government promoted a use of LPG to cut a use of charcoal because charcoal produces a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) and they also wanted to promote anti-deforestation campaign. Charcoal was banned by developed countries, so Thai government were forced to import LPG from European countries. LPG was firstly sold in only Bangkok and some city centers and it was too expensive for Thais’ households to consume it. Fortunately, few years later, we found natural gas (NG) in a gulf of Thailand, which was a light at the end of the tunnel for the government. The government decided to build the first pipeline from a gulf of Thailand to Rayong province, which was a mega plan that used a lot of money, however, it has been more than worth to invest. Once Thailand could utilize the natural gas, the price of LPG plummeted and consumption skyrocketed. This was not only because of the price but government also promoted environmental campaigns and enforced the anti-deforestation law. Thai people have got used to a cheap price of LPG and over consumed, so these led to problems.