A woman is a flower; A baby bud at first, vulnerable to the elements, a tiny delicate start. As she grows to maturity, her true beauty emerges.
Her leaves are of many shapes and sizes. Some leaves are soft and pliable, others are stiff and sturdy, still others have very few leaves at all. Some are long and slender, some are so delicate a harsh wind could damage them. They have one thing in common, all leaves are green, various shades, but all green.
The soft petals of many hues, each flower has her own colors, texture, and scent. Beautiful colors that range from purest white, palest pinks, breath-taking blues, sunny yellows, tangy oranges, deepest purples to crimson red. Each one has her own personality and shape, many petals or few, nothing could be more lovely. When in full bloom, like a grown woman in the prime of her life, the flower’s beauty is something to behold.