Mean values of transformed variables show that highest ranking comes to the psychological reasons. Our subjects agree that smoking helps them remain controlled in dealing with anger, domestic issues and other stress and psychological situations. That leads to our primary conclusion that smoking is kind of an escape for the adolescents to deal with their psychological problems or the situations like stress, domestic problems and other issues lead them start smoking when they are unable to cope up properly or finding an appropriate way out for themselves.
The second as expected is the social factor for peer acceptance and company of friends and other activities lead teens towards smoking and it is just kind of a fun activity for them.
The third major cause is personality as styles and looks are one of the prime concerns in this age and personality inspiration is mostly liked with inspiration from celebrities or role models among friends and family.
Taste and Feel is totally related to the acceptance, they subjects once involved gets used to the taste, and the respondents have strong rejection for smoking, has a for taste and feel.