Insha allah I will only be talking to you about one Ayah – just one ayah that I feel I will share with you. Those of you that are going to try and remember this in sha Allah this is Surah number 39 ayah number 53. So 39:53 is the reference to this ayah, this discussion we are about to have in sha allah. In this ayah, there are two conversations. And both of these conversations are really, really important to understand. By the way, in both conversations Allah is talking to two different audiences. One conversation is between Allah and someone who is trying to preach allah’s message. The other conversation is between Allah and someone who has lived a life of sin and they do so much sin that they have completely lost hope. And they feel as though they are so messed up that at this poihnt they are never going to be able to become a good person again, they feel like they have reached a point of no return.