The sample for this study (N = 36) consisted of 17 females (47.2%) and 19
males (52.8%) from a pool of 103 young adults who had participated as children
in research on playfulness and creativity conducted between 1985 and 1987. At
the time of the original study, the mean age of the participants was 53.87 months
and included children who were enrolled in the Virginia Tech Child Development
Laboratory School. The mean age of the participants at the time of this follow-up
study was 20.32 years. The age range of these young adults was 233 months
(19.4 years) to 258 months (21.5 years). The majority (96.2%) of the sample
was either enrolled in a college or university or had already completed a degree.
Half (50%) of the young adults who attended college held a GPA between 3.5
and 4.0. The other young adults held GPA’s ranging from 2.0-3.5. Some of the
young adults were continuing their education by pursuing a graduate degree.
There was great diversity in majors and occupations they held.