Joseph Alimentato
why is this helping me? it just sounds vince guraraldi but its helping me focus
1 month ago•
+Joseph Alimentato glad its helping you focus :)
3 weeks ago•
Sorry but, this music is way to interesting to focus on studing while being an adhd person and musician.
2 weeks ago•3
lincoln pepper
thank you i have adhd and i can't focus on my home school to easily. this is really helping :-D thx agqain for making this. then again, i am making this comment, which is not what i am supposed to be doing. so maybe this isn't so effective...
8 months ago•
+lincoln pepper glad to hear it is helping you :D
6 months ago•
Beverly Chin
I don't have ADHD I have ADD and this really helps me complete my homework really fast
3 weeks ago•
Demi Ward
Thank you I just almost hurt my sister just now and I listens to this and it really helped
7 months ago•
Joseph Alimentato
wow, i am jamming to this. I love track 1 and 2
1 month ago•
Dani Hill
Thanks for uploading this music it really helped with my- OOOOOH A VIDEO OF A PUPPY WALKING IN SHOES!
1 year ago•8
thanks :)
11 months ago•1
Karin Vandom
I don't think this is working for me. I'm off to one of those one kinds of recordings with frequencies and like a one tone kind of thing. I suck at explaining it, but you know, like that sound-healing stuff?
1 year ago (edited)•4
Omg, me too! I already have 5 million thoughts in my head. So, with each beat, note, tune, my thoughts get attached to each one separately and I can't focus on what I'm doing. Right brain's like "Oooh, nice bass at 2:00" while left brain's like, "Great music note at 2:02." It's too distracting for studying, but probably great to motivate me while cleaning or organizing my house. While I study I need one sound, white noise or a pure beta or gamma wave. It shuts everything else down so that I can focus and not create a symphony in my head.
2 weeks ago•
Gillian Lephart
+Karin Vandom Haha no, I have it too! I kinda just figured... >,