The old man immediately waved his hand, and in response, the dozens of people following him split up and began to search the island.
The old man himself sent his divine sense out as well, but came up with nothing. Frowning, he turned to the three cultivators who had sounded the alarm and began to question them.
When they told him that the intruder looked exactly like the Sacred Ancient, the old man’s face flickered. Then they recounted how the intruder said this place was his home, and the old man gasped.
It was at this point that a glittering jade slip flew out of the old man’s bag of holding. He grabbed it and scanned it with divine sense, whereupon a look of bewilderment appeared on his face. Gritting his teeth, he said, “We found him. He’s… in the Sacred Mansion at the center of the island!”
The old man disappeared toward the center of the island in a flash, simultaneously sending orders to his subordinates. Soon, all of the other cultivators who had spread out across the island were heading toward the building in the middle.
The three cultivators followed along nervously. They were anxious, not because someone had come to the island; rather, they were anxious about who that person was!
It didn’t take long before the old man arrived at island’s center, where he caught sight of the disciple who had just notified him about Meng Hao’s location. That disciple was kneeling on the ground in front of the Sacred Mansion, trembling.
The structure itself was actually little more than a log cabin, and didn’t look unusual in any way. In fact, many of the cultivators who had come here in pilgrimage throughout the years had often wondered why this seemingly ordinary log cabin was referred to as the Sacred Mansion.
Chapter 1169 meme: