Coming Out
Updated May 21, 2015
Published May 21, 2015
Status [M], Completed
Tags gtop canon pining
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Youngbae must’ve been the one who drew the short straw the next morning because he was the one who came to wake Seunghyun up. His nagging was even worse than Jiyong’s, probably because there was less smiling, more sighing. He kneeled on the side of Seunghyun’s bed and slapped his shoulder till he got up, and then wordlessly, he left.
Seunghyun stumbled out of his room, bleary eyed. The sun hadn’t been up for long. The others were already seated around the table in the kitchen having their breakfast. He drug his feet over to them and collapsed into the vacant chair. There was a plate for him on the table, ready for him to fill it with food. He scooped out generous helpings of the various dishes in the center of the table.
He was in the middle of his first bite when Jiyong came over, setting a cup of coffee down in front of him and pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head.
“Good morning,” Jiyong said.
“I went ahead and told them about us,” Jiyong said, staring into his eyes meaningfully, brushing a strand of hair back from Seunghyun’s face. “I hope you don’t mind.” Jiyong’s gaze flicked to the side and back.
Seunghyun glanced over to see what Jiyong wanted him to see. Seungri was staring at the pair of them like they were aliens or cannibals or something. Youngbae and Daesung were trying not to laugh.
Seunghyun decided to play along. ing with Seungri was one of his favorite pastimes. “I don’t mind. They were bound to find out sooner or later.”
Jiyong sat back down in the seat beside him, reaching over to cover Seunghyun’s hand with his. “Hyung took me out on a date last night. It was so romantic. We went to this really fancy restaurant.”
Seunghyun grinned at the idea of McDonald’s falling under the category of fancy. Jiyong would’ve ended him if Seunghyun had taken him there on a real date.
Doubt was written in every line of Seungri’s face. “I don’t believe you. Top-hyung likes girls.”
“What can I say?” Seunghyun shrugged. “Jiyong turned me.”
“I can be very persuasive,” Jiyong added.
Seungri looked back and forth between them, eyes narrowed in scrutiny. He shook his head. “No way. Top-hyung could have any girl he wants. Why would he suddenly turn gay for you?”
Jiyong’s smile froze on his face. He was quiet where he’d normally have a comeback. And then his mouth stretched into a razor sharp smile, lips dripping with sin. “If you’re so curious, why don’t you come over here? You can find out for yourself.”
Seungri choked on his water. He looked over at Jiyong, scandalized. “No, thanks. I, err…I think I’ll stay right here.”
Jiyong’s eyes stayed trained in on him, a viper watching a mouse. “If you change your mind…”
“I won’t,” Seungri hurried. He forced a jovial smile onto his face. “Wouldn’t want to break up the happy couple, right? Hyung might get jealous.”
Jiyong gave him a dismissive once over. “I’m sure he doesn’t have anything to be jealous about.”
Seungri, who was nodding along, abruptly stopped when he realized that was supposed to be an insult. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
The others couldn’t hold in their laughter anymore. It burst out of them, Youngbae giving Seungri a fond clap on the back.
That was how the rest of the week went. They were busy with promotions, including filming a CF that ate up nearly two whole days. Almost all of their time was spent working.
They didn’t see Joowon at all during that time, no opportunity for a chance run in at the theater or the club, so they mostly dropped the boyfriend bit except for a joke here and there. Though Jiyong still threatened to dump him if Seunghyun didn’t do as he was told.
It wasn’t until nearly two weeks later that the whole boyfriend thing came back into the foreground. He and Jiyong met up with Soohyuk and Seungho again, this time at a low-key bar for a couple of drinks. Once they got settled in, a drink in each of their hands, Jiyong had to tell them all about how they’d ran into Joowon at the movies and how he’d gotten to sit by him.
“We talked a lot while we were waiting for the movie to start,” Jiyong told them.
Seunghyun raised his beer up to his lips. “Tell ‘em how you choked when it was over.”
“Shut up!” Jiyong laughed, shoving at his shoulder. The amber liquid sloshed about in Seunghyun’s bottle. “I got nervous.”
“You’re not the only one who’s seen him recently,” Soohyuk said, a hint of coyness about his lips. “I just had a shoot with him.”
Jiyong rocked forward in his seat. “No way. Are you serious? What did he say? What was he like?”
Soohyuk chuckled. “Easy there. Save the crazy till after he agrees to date you.”
“Would you just tell me already?”
Soohyuk tapped his finger against his glass. “Do you want the good news first or the bad news?”
Jiyong answered, wary. “The good news.”