How are you doing?I hope you are doing fine.I am happy that we are getting to know each other and we are opening up very well with honesty.You don't knows the feeling that I get when I see your email.You don't have idea about what you get to my head whenever i want to read your email to listen to what you have to say. Nobody has ever made me feel like the way you make me feel this way only by reading your words of who you truly are and what you are expecting in a relationship. It feels like I just want to grab you and be in your arms forever and forever and never let you go.
Let me tell you Tum,i know it has not been long since we met but i am starting to think about you always because you sound like my perfect ideal match. it gives me more and more strength with which to carry on my life that the best is still ahead since i met you.I am happy to meet you and to have this means as a mechanics for our communication to develop a friendship and in turn i hope that we can end up being together.i am finally getting interested in knowing you more.
Honey I can't thank you enough for your care in a way no body else have come close before, I think you are an amazing woman. You can trust in me. I can not tell you how important our relationship is and where I would like it to go.I feel there is a real connection between us.You can allow me into your heart to love you completely. I am not hear to try and hurt you because you are a wonderful woman. I just want to share my world with you - and I hope you feel the same..You have been the sweetest, most understanding person I have ever needed. It's hard to believe how much we have been through lately but I promise you the best future ever and I owe my entire life to you. You are my inspiration everyday and I wake up every morning thinking of how wonderful it would be to wake up with you. Do you feel there is a chance that we can be together in the future? Sorry to seem so forward. I am very thankful to know someone like you. Sometimes I wonder if you feel the same about me that we will be together very soon.i like the way you talk to me with care, listen to everything I have to say and it is an amazing feeling to get such attention. Your sense of adventure intrigues me as well as captured my full attention. I am thankful to have a woman who enjoys the beauty our world has to offer. Did you know it was one of the best attributes of your character? You appreciate invaluable moments and it makes me appreciate you even more. I love the way we are growing together. The incredible conversations, trips, and dates in exotic places is just too overwhelming with a common mind. You have helped me expand my horizons in so little time. At this very moment, I am thinking of your smile and what lies ahead.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No one can ever take your place because there isn't a person like you in the world. Please let me love you Tum. i know you will accepting me with all your heart. I do notice every little thing you do.This feeling is always present when I think of you.If you think we can move forward, could you please let me know what's on your mind? I want to learn more about you - your fears, aspirations, and passions. I want to listen to your heartbeat at night before I go to bed. I hear your voice in my head when things are going rough. Please stay the same throughout our days together. I know that we will change in the future, but lets change together. Lets stay in the moment of what we have... and work on the future we want. We can do anything we want to do if we keep ourselves on the same accord. I know that you will be there with me.
Love always