The siting of biogas digesters where the full benefits of the biogas system can be tapped is critical in the adoption of the technology. In Uganda, biogas energy has mainly been promoted by NGOs that target rural areas, where they think this technology could have the greatest impact. However, the results of the present study reveal that the likelihood of adopting biogas energy is greater in urban areas. Refocusing NGO programmes to include urban areas could thus create a greater impact on the intended beneficiaries, particularly since some studies stress that whether at the local, regional or community level, selection of the right location for biogas development is very important (Ji-Quin and Nyns, 1996). Whether in an urban or rural area, the family biogas digester would be more acceptable if it were financially profitable compared with other productive activities. The digester system should therefore be made more economically attractive through the integrated use of biogas technology whereby house- holds are encouraged to use residues from the biogas system as a crop fertiliser in order to increase economic benefits and competitiveness.