They went hunting for blade rabbits, turtle snakes and buffalo. Since the carriage is a self moving bone-centipede (made from the black skeletons that MC can summon), it scares the humans. So it was suggested that he get something to lead it so at least give the illusion of being drawn. They killed some buffalo and had a small feast, the horns are worth a pretty penny as well. Learned [Pulverize] and [Numbing/Desensitize] (applies to self) from eating the buffalo meat. MC then tamed a few of them to lead the carriage. They went hunting for some blade rabbits after. Redhead soloed one and ate it raw after decapitating it for her job class (Noire Soldier), the alchemist gasped and blacksmith got a little grossed out. They went turtle snake hunting afterward, using a party of 6. MC, redhead, bi (that girl gob from chapter 3, the one ending up being a half-vamp) and 3 lords (Phantom, Gale and Flame lord) hunted 38 of them. Blacksmith was happy since their shell is worth a lot of money. MC is happy cause the meat is so good with the wine, he also learned [Hide in the shell] and [Rest/Hibernate]. He wanted to eat some harpies as well, but was considerate of the weak stomached Blacksmith and didn't do so. They went on their way to the mountain roads.