Outdoor field tests were completed on a synthetic turf pitch with players wearing proper soccer shoes. Average weather conditions and testing times during the three days of the experiment were as follows: calm wind (~1.3 m s–1), testing session starting at 15:00 (~21.5°C), and ending at ~17:00 (~23.1°C) to eliminate any influence of circadian variation. A single-group, repeated-measures study design was used, in which recovery mode was the independent variable,whereas sprints’ time and steps number, pre- and post-RSA test jumps height, and post-RSA test rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate concentration (BLa) were the dependent variables. Owing to limited participants’ availability,there were three testing sessions performed on three different days. To overcome match-fatigue (Sunday) the test-sessions were performed three days
after (Wednesday), with seven days between each testing day and the next one.During the testing month the training load was not monitored, but the microcycles were consistent. They were composed of a one-match-a-week competition schedule. Therefore, after the Monday rest, players had a medium intensity session on Tuesday, and were thereafter tested at the beginning of the
Wednesday session.Tuesday sessions were consistent and composed mainly of endurance-based soccer drills. The technical staff used to perform the high intensity-fatiguing sessions on Wednesdays. For the needs of the present research, the technical staff accepted performing the latter sessions after the study-testing sessions.