Human Resources (HR) are the key elements to
run any organization [1]. Its importance becomes
pivotal when it is being related with a service and
skilled related organizations like universities. To manage
HR in an efficient manner almost all the organizations
possess Human Resource Management Division, the
main purpose of which is to manage HR in a more
efficient way [2][3][4]. Private universities in Bangladesh
have shown a tremendous growth over the last decade
showing a huge demand of skilled, knowledgeable,
energetic and enthusiastic for learning personnel. But
such huge demand often mismatches with inadequate
supplies of such potential candidates. With the
development of modern technology the world has
become a global village and thus, HRM is no more a
manual task to perform; rather the invention of computer
based information systems made it technically sound
and more efficient to manage the HR. Consequently,
Human Resource Information Systems (HRISs),
nowadays, is a part and parcel of HRM.